Online Docs



eBot is an intelligent bot for interacting with eTask and eBug through conversations, which provides an easy way to view, edit, or open a task in the Posts tab.

From the Posts tab, type “\@eTask”, and then choose eTask.

eTask eBot

eTask eBot

Choose “What can I do?”

eTask eBot

eTask eBot

Find a task

On the Posts tab, type “\@eTask” and choose eTask, and then click on “Find a Task”.

eTask eBot

Use a keyword to find a task.

eTask eBot

Task will be embedded onto Posts tab.

eTask eBot

  1. Open Task: Microsoft Teams will be directed to that task in eTask tab.

  2. Attached message (Optional): Write a comment or tag someone to improve concentration.

  3. Send: Send the whole message onto Posts tab.

eTask eBot

Find a bug

On the Posts tab, type “\@eTask” and choose eTask, and then click on “Find a Bug”.

eTask eBot

Use a keyword to find a bug.

eTask eBot

Bug will be embedded onto Posts tab.

eTask eBot

  1. Open Bug: Microsoft Teams will be directed to that bug in eBug tab.

  2. Attached message (Optional): Write a comment or tag someone to improve concentration.

Send: Send the whole message onto Posts task

eTask eBot


View tasks by properties

View recently added tasks:

View the list of recently added tasks.

Syntax: \@etask˽tasks


eTask tasks

eTask eBot

eTask eBot

View tasks by title

View the list of tasks which contains desired input.

Syntax: \@etask˽tasks/name/{title}


eTask tasks/name/Task1

eTask eBot


eTask eBot

View tasks that being assigned to user

View the list of tasks being assigned to me.

Syntax: \@etask˽tasks/my


eTask tasks/my

View tasks by priority

View the list of tasks which has tasks priority = {input}

Syntax: \@eTask˽tasks/priority/{input}


eTask tasks/priority/high

View tasks have specific status

View the list of tasks which has tasks status = {input}

Syntax: eTask˽tasks/status/{input}


eTask tasks/status/in-progress

View tasks being assigned to someone

View the list of tasks which has tasks assignee = accountName.

Syntax: eTask˽tasks/assigned/{accountName}



List of tasks assigned to Alex Burley.

Tasks actions

Clone a task

Clone a task which has same properties as task {id}.

Syntax: eTask˽task/clone/{id}


eTask task/clone/123

New task will have the same properties as the task with ID is 123.

Synchronize eTask to Outlook

Synchronize “My tasks” from eTask to Outlook TODO list.

Syntax: eTask˽task/sync/outlook

Update a task with specific ID

Update status:

Change status of task {id} into {input}.

Syntax: eTask˽task/update/{id}/status/{input}


eTask task/update/123/status/completed

Change status of task 123 into “Completed”.

Update assignee:

Change assignee of task {id} to {accountName}.

Syntax: eTask˽task/update/{id}/assigned/{accountName}


eTask task/update/123/assigned/alex@anadea

Change assignee of task 123 to “Alex Burley”.

Update priority:

Change priority of task {id} to {input}.

Syntax: eTask˽task/update/{id}/priority/{input}



Change priority of task 123 to “high”.


eBot will interact with eBug when choosing “bugs”.

eTask eBot

  1. Type in the command for eBot.

  2. Bugs will be shown on Posts tab as shown below:

eTask eBot

View bugs by properties

  1. View recently added bugs.

View the list of recently added bugs.

Syntax: \@etask˽bugs


eTask bugs

eTask eBot

eTask eBot

  1. View bugs by title

View the list of bugs which contains desired input.

Syntax: \@etask˽bugs/name/{title}


eTask bugs/name/Bug1

eTask eBot


eTask eBot

  1. View bugs that being assigned to user

View the list of bugs being assigned to me.

Syntax: \@etask˽bugs/my


eTask bugs/my

  1. View bugs by priority

View the list of bugs which has bugs priority = {input}

Syntax: \@eTask˽bugs/priority/{input}


eTask bugs/priority/high

  1. View bugs have specific status

View the list of bugs which has bugs status = {input}

Syntax: eTask˽bugs/status/{input}


eTask bugs/status/in-progress.

  1. View bugs being assigned to someone

View the list of bugs which has bugs assignee = accountName.

Syntax: eTask˽bugs/assigned/{accountName}



List of bugs assigned to Alex Burley.

Bugs actions

  1. Clone a bug

Clone a bug which has same properties as bug {id}.

Syntax: eTask˽bug/clone/{id}


eTask bug/clone/123

New bug will have the same properties as the bug with ID is 123.

  1. Synchronize eTask to Outlook

Synchronize “My bugs” from eTask to Outlook TODO list.

Syntax: eTask˽bug/sync/outlook

  1. Update a bug with specific ID

Update status:

Change status of bug {id} into {input}.

Syntax: eTask˽bug/update/{id}/status/{input}


eTask bug/update/123/status/completed

Change status of bug 123 into “Completed”.

Update assignee:

Change assignee of bug {id} to {accountName}.

Syntax: eTask˽bug/update/{id}/assigned/{accountName}


eTask bug/update/123/assigned/alex@anadea

Change assignee of bug 123 to “Alex Burley”.

Update priority:

Change priority of bug {id} to {input}.

Syntax: eTask˽bug/update/{id}/priority/{input}



Change priority of bug 123 to “high”.


Type “help” to view a list of available commands for eBot.

eTask eBot

  1. Type: “\@eTask” and choose eTask, then type “help”.

  2. Click “send” to command the bot.

eTask eBot


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