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Introduction to eHelpdesk

Introduction to eHelpdesk

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Thuy Le
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Apr 7th, 2022

Subject: One of the biggest challenges with customer support is that there are so many issues to deal with, especially being on time and keeping your customers happy. There are many products that can help you do that, but they are quite complicated for a beginner. Before you decide, let's get started with eHelpdesk. It might be what you are looking for! Now let me share with you about eHelpdesk!

What is eHelpdesk?

eHelpdesk is a cloud-based application with two user interfaces named Support Portal and Customer Portal to provide an easier and more convenient communication process between support team and their customers.

eHelpdesk System
  • Support Portal is a powerful hub to centralize all issues from your customers, and it has search, group, and filter function for better visualization and management. It also provides summary by daily, monthly or quarterly with some simple clicks.
  • Customer Portal is where your customers can access and submit tickets to seek for your solutions. You can setup knowledge base to show and support customers proactively which can reduce a lot of effort for repeated works.

What’s special about eHelpdesk?

Run on Microsoft Teams

eHelpdesk works inside Microsoft Teams and combines the features of Microsoft Teams to create more powerful functionality that can help you communicate more easily and feel familiar including bot, tabs, messaging extension and connector for updates notifications.

Flexible Workflow

eHelpdesk has a complete workflow for each audience. Especially those who are used to working with Microsoft and have a workflow with Microsoft Flow. They don't have to give up their familiar jobs to learn how to configure new workflows and can use the existing ones. In addition, eHelpdesk's workflows utilize Notifications in the Microsoft feed so that users can stay more focused and don't have to go back and forth between mailboxes and Teams.


Allows each user to create dashboards and views tailored to the nature of their work and role through View sharing & customization functionality. Easy to configure for each Customer Portal: Manage the customer’s UI, support workflows, and their unique requirement to increase the customer’s satisfaction.


It easily integrates with other task management tools as: eTask, Jira, Azure DevOps.

Key Features:
  1. Ticket management: Easily create tickets, Prioritize, categorize, and assign tickets so you never lose track of them.
  2. Account management: includes the management of all company accounts and users within those companies.
  3. Reports and Dashboards: Easily help support managers and Customer Owners to easily grasp the current situation through the Dashboard or summarize the situation for a month/quarter or one year.
  4. Knowledge Base Management: Is a tool that contains the knowledge base on how to use eTask, generate reports, configure sources to eTask, etc. This function allows to create articles Helpful and answer common customer questions. Make the support person's job easier because the number of tickets is reduced, and customers will find useful information when creating a ticket.
  5. Survey management: allows the Support Team to receive suggestions and reviews from customers to improve service quality and product quality. Help managers evaluate the quality of employees through customer surveys.
  6. Workflow: allows both support team and customer side to customize workflows based on each company's workflow.


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Esther Howard
30/06 10:30AM
Morbi viverra nequeipsum, at interdum quam fringilla porta. Duis dictum faucibus molestie. Proinvenenatis molestie diam, id iaculis purusluctusac. Suspendisse arisusiaculis, mattis misitamet, egestas dui.Morbiin felistincidunt, efficitur ipsum non,hendrerit tortor.
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Esther Howard
30/06 10:30AM
Morbi viverra nequeipsum, at interdum quam fringilla porta. Duis dictum faucibus molestie. Proin venenatis molestie diam,id iaculis purus luctusac. Suspendisse a risusiaculis, mattis misitamet, egestas dui. Morbiin felis tincidunt, efficitur ipsum non, hendrerit tortor.
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Esther Howard
30/06 10:30AM
Morbi viverra nequeipsum, at interdum quam fringilla porta. Duisdictum faucibusmolestie. Proinvenenatis molestie diam, id iaculis purus luctusac. Suspendisse arisusiaculis, mattis mi sitamet, egestas dui. Morbiin felis tincidunt, efficitur ipsum non, hendrerit tortor.
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Esther Howard
30/06 10:30AM
Morbi viverra neque ipsum, at interdum quam fringillaporta. Duisdictum faucibus molestie. Proinvenenatis molestiediam, idiaculis purus luctusac. Suspendissea risusiaculis, mattis misitamet, egestas dui.Morbi infelistincidunt, efficituripsum non, hendrerit tortor.
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