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Introduction to eTask

Introduction to eTask

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Apr 7th, 2022

Subject: Across every industry and the globe, companies are working collaboratively and finding tools that can help them optimize enterprise productivity. That's why Appvity offering a tool which can work collaboratively with organizations and manage daily task all together in Microsoft Teams. The Appvity eTask is well-integrated with Microsoft Teams to create powerful functionality which can support in both managing works and communication.

What is Appvity eTask?

Appvity eTask is a task management tool which is well-integrated with Microsoft Teams that can help enterprise manage daily tasks and improve communication between people (even for those outside of your organization). eTask support in creating a task, keeping track of the task's status, notifying user, and generating charts for overview. Besides that, user can use all of Microsoft Teams features such as giving calls, sending direct message, and sharing files.


Appvity had studied and experienced on many task management tools and realize that most of the company chose Microsoft Planner, Azure DevOps, Jira, or those manual tools like Excel as their choice of managing daily works. Gathering all works from external source and display in 1 view will improve focus for overview, and each team does not worry about the security as eTask have already taken care of it via Microsoft O365. It depends on every team’s unique process that the project management model could be different, and most common models are Agile, Waterfall, or Scrum; eTask is designed to adapt with all models but we still keep the most basic typical in task management. We will take care of the base while you can customize eTask following the enterprise process. Simple for newcomers and flexible for complex use case.

Well-integrated with Microsoft Teams

Developed under O365 environment, from data to infrastructure. Appvity eTask is built based on Microsoft technology 100% to ensure its smoothness across the system, and it can work well inside Microsoft Teams.

Synchronize data with external sources

Collecting and live-updating data from other task management tools to centralize all together in one single view. Everyone from everywhere can connect and visualize the same data set. We support external sources such as Microsoft Planner, Azure Devops, and Jira at the moment.

Flexible automation process

Built on Microsoft Power Automate, eTask simplify user-interface for best experience in our application. The automation usually takes place in sending alerts, and updating status. You can customize workflow following the enterprise's need.

Extensible with public REST APIs and PowerShell

Exposed REST APIs for the external usage, and ease to access in PowerShell. Appvity eTask offering best practice to extend your business use case not only in our application but also in yours.

In conclusion

We decided to build eTask for work management and centralizing data from different sources for collaboration; and integrate with Microsoft Teams in advanced for better communication. And after all of these, you can manage works and have the collaborate channels in one single application which can help improve productivity a lot.


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Esther Howard
30/06 10:30AM
Morbi viverra nequeipsum, at interdum quam fringilla porta. Duis dictum faucibus molestie. Proinvenenatis molestie diam, id iaculis purusluctusac. Suspendisse arisusiaculis, mattis misitamet, egestas dui.Morbiin felistincidunt, efficitur ipsum non,hendrerit tortor.
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Esther Howard
30/06 10:30AM
Morbi viverra nequeipsum, at interdum quam fringilla porta. Duis dictum faucibus molestie. Proin venenatis molestie diam,id iaculis purus luctusac. Suspendisse a risusiaculis, mattis misitamet, egestas dui. Morbiin felis tincidunt, efficitur ipsum non, hendrerit tortor.
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Esther Howard
30/06 10:30AM
Morbi viverra nequeipsum, at interdum quam fringilla porta. Duisdictum faucibusmolestie. Proinvenenatis molestie diam, id iaculis purus luctusac. Suspendisse arisusiaculis, mattis mi sitamet, egestas dui. Morbiin felis tincidunt, efficitur ipsum non, hendrerit tortor.
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Esther Howard
30/06 10:30AM
Morbi viverra neque ipsum, at interdum quam fringillaporta. Duisdictum faucibus molestie. Proinvenenatis molestiediam, idiaculis purus luctusac. Suspendissea risusiaculis, mattis misitamet, egestas dui.Morbi infelistincidunt, efficituripsum non, hendrerit tortor.
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