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Manage tasks from many projects, many external sources
Manage tasks from many projects, many external sources
Apr 22nd, 2022
Gathering experience from project management tools such as Microsoft Planner, Azure Devops, or Jira to build the cloud-based task management tool that is well-integrated with Microsoft Teams and capability of consolidating data from those sources for better collaboration, communication and improve productivity for enterprise.
Appvity eTask as task management tool in Microsoft Teams
Appvity eTask is a task management tool which is well-integrated with Microsoft Teams that can help enterprise manage daily tasks and improve communication between people (even for those outside of your organization). The very unique function that eTask offer is the ability of synchronizing data from many other task management tools such as Microsoft Planner, Azure DevOps (VSTS), and Jira. We had many years of experience in project management and observe that every company has their own style of managing projects. However, we had studied that every project management process comes up with a typical model and using the common processing.
The mismatching tools that cause the inconvenience
Nowadays, many companies using different tools to manage their project, and it can cause a lot of effort for those who want to collaborate with other organization (even though they are using the same tool, but the others can access to one's organization as security breach). As we are working globally and co-operatively, we unite and wants to share our status to maintain good collaboration and improve productivity for everyone, so the tool like Appvity eTask exists, to bring everyone together without the fear of security and being stable at anywhere. From the real case, a company A wants to connect and work together with company B, and the real posibility that can happen is:
- Both company agreed to create a common channel, and migrate all the works manually.
- Both company keeps their own workspace and working hard on communication because migrating may expose their data.
- eTask allows both company connect and centralize data with O365 security and make sure that the data is safe for both company, but they can have the same view and work together with their own space.
How Appvity eTask can help with collaboration
- eTask is built natively in Microsoft Teams, so the communication and authentication are unmatched as you can use all the features of Teams.
- eTask can synchronize data from many sources and authenticated with O365 which is secured. eTask is designed to map data schema, and user mapping in sources so make sure the right people get the right permission.
- eTask support automation for alerts and be sure everyone stays connected and updated with their works.
And after all, we had experience on this project management process for years, so we know what suit best for your business! Come and join us at Appvity eTask
Esther Howard
30/06 10:30AM
Morbi viverra nequeipsum, at interdum quam fringilla porta. Duis dictum faucibus molestie. Proinvenenatis molestie diam, id iaculis purusluctusac. Suspendisse arisusiaculis, mattis misitamet, egestas dui.Morbiin felistincidunt, efficitur ipsum non,hendrerit tortor.
Esther Howard
30/06 10:30AM
Morbi viverra nequeipsum, at interdum quam fringilla porta. Duis dictum faucibus molestie. Proin venenatis molestie diam,id iaculis purus luctusac. Suspendisse a risusiaculis, mattis misitamet, egestas dui. Morbiin felis tincidunt, efficitur ipsum non, hendrerit tortor.
Esther Howard
30/06 10:30AM
Morbi viverra nequeipsum, at interdum quam fringilla porta. Duisdictum faucibusmolestie. Proinvenenatis molestie diam, id iaculis purus luctusac. Suspendisse arisusiaculis, mattis mi sitamet, egestas dui. Morbiin felis tincidunt, efficitur ipsum non, hendrerit tortor.